The needs of this ministry are ongoing. Now that the ministry has moved to the new facilities, there seems to be more needs than ever. We are focusing on completing the many projects still undone. GDM is still providing food to families in the form of a basket at Christmas time. A normal school schedule has resumed, and classes are back to pre-COVID schedules. There are two buses running and picking up students and staff every school day. Transportation scholarships are given to families that live far away. Some students travel as much as 2 1/2 hours just to get to school. If you would like to help provide transportation or food for the students, please designate your gift when giving. Whatever you give without designation will go towards running the ministry.
Also, click on the THE FUTURE tab in the menu above to check out the Building Project needs and give as you feel led. Our new facilities are wonderful, but there is still much to accomplish.